"The Blog That's A Hoax"

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Whackjobs And Wingnuts

"Jentili, what did you think of that last person on TV?"

"I'm afraid Sir, he was a whackjob."

"You mean a wingnut Jentili?"

"I confess Sir, I don’t know the difference."

"Let me explain Jentili: a wingnut is simply quietly insane. Think of a fundamentalist Christian as an example. A whackjob, is a wingnut who has resolved that violence against those he opposes is justified."

"So a whackjob is a violent, armed wingnut?"

"Exactly Jentili."

"Do they have to be religious Sir?"

"Jentili, how else is the leader going to finance the private jet, or the mansion, or the hookers?"

"You forgot the drugs Sir."

"No Jentili, they're right here."

- excerpt from one of Matt's conversations

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You think you understand what you thought I said, but really what you heard is not what I meant to imply.
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