"The Blog That's A Hoax"

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Internet Damaged Brain Syndrome

 The technology we use to access the internet, changes us through its use.

The internet effect: the devices or technology we use to access the internet turns us into quasi-copies of those same devices.  

I notice it. My intellectual depth of field has been reduced. It is time related. I don't want to spend the time to read an entire article. I scan for important things - things that strike my fancy or appeal to my sense of quality at the moment. I am being led to evaluate articles on the basis of length or quantity instead of quality. I do no study. If deep thinking or study is equal to deep reading, then my internet activities are reducing my mental capacity for intelligence.

The more time I spend on the internet, the more shallow I become.

I'm in up to my ankles about now.

 - Nigel Thint 

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You think you understand what you thought I said, but really what you heard is not what I meant to imply.
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